Career opportunities seem nearly limitless and are constantly evolving. Many of today’s most rewarding professions and industries didn’t even exist a decade ago.
Career opportunities seem nearly limitless and are constantly evolving. Many of today’s most rewarding professions and industries didn’t even exist a decade ago.
* 2019年全国家庭安全和安保委员会
Let’s face it, 高等教育是一种投资, but it doesn’t have to break the bank or rack up excessive loans. JWCC是一个负担得起的选择,学生:
* 2022-2023学年区内学费,每学期32学时或16学时. 学费和学杂费 (in-district = $170/credit hour, online = $200/credit hour, out-of-district = $280/credit hour). 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. 学费更低,平均助学金和兼职奖学金, 全日制学生,2022-2023学年.
我们强烈建议家长与孩子开诚布公地讨论大学选择对经济的影响. 大多数学生没有考虑到毕业后10-15年还清大学贷款的长期负担. 通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. Loans are only a tool to help pay what you owe, not to reduce your tuition or total cost. 帮助你的学生了解与他们的大学选择相关的实际综合成本(包括利息).
Scholarships and financial aid are available; to be eligible, students should complete the FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible. Our financial aid office can help.
As young adults, students are responsible for learning and taking full advantage of the resources JWCC offers. However, there are a few things parents can do to support students on this journey:
Communication is key! Talk to both schools’ advisors about programs, deadlines, scholarships, etc. At JWCC, 我们直接与转学学校合作,定制学位计划,以确保学生参加他们特定转学学校和项目所需的课程.
PRO TIP当前位置所有四年制大学都有一名招生顾问,专门负责从其他学校,尤其是社区大学招收转学生. Connect with the transfer advisor to learn about the school’s specific transfer process, scholarships, deadlines and support!
JWCC的全日制学费约为每学年5200美元. 对这意味着什么有一个现实的估计 your family, we offer a worksheet to help summarize expenses and then subtract scholarships and financial aid. JWCC also has payment plans and loans to help resolve the balance. Many students and families that are able to “pay as you go” and graduate from JWCC debt-free. Students learn their exact cost when registering for each semester.
JWCC does not have housing; many JWCC students continue to live at home and commute to the campus. 选择自己住或需要搬到离学校近的地方的学生可以自己找房子或公寓. 许多学生住在北12街的公寓里,或者住在24街和哈里森路口的里奇布鲁克公寓里.
所有JWCC学分将被转移到其他学院, but it’s important to make sure that the classes you transfer out of JWCC are the exact classes to satisfy the requirements for your particular school and program. JWCC顾问直接与转学学校合作,定制学位计划,以确保学生参加的课程符合他们特定转学学校和项目的要求.
JWCC有学生支持项目,包括TRIO和Perkins. JWCC’s disability and accessibility office helps students in a number of ways. In addition, JWCC offers tutoring, Pathfinder connections, a food pantry, counseling services, 更多的是为了支持我们的学生. 我们还有一位退伍军人事务专家.
当学生高中毕业后继续住在家里, 这可能会给亲子关系带来额外的压力. 这是学生开始“成熟”的时候,即使你的学生还和你住在一起,这个转变也很重要. 这里有一些让路径更平滑的技巧:
Living at home doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the college experience. 拥抱新体验的机会,锻炼更多的独立性,同时与家人和睦相处. These tips will help: